Write & Publish Your First Book
in 6 Weeks!
Stuck in the Blogging world and making only very little money, little impact and stuck working a 9 to 5 job?
I was there too, a few years ago... I decided to change my luck and start the journey of becoming an Author! Now, I command authority in my niche, sell my thoughts and ideas, finally leave the corporate world behind have more time with my family and make a great living, all because I self published my own book.
I asked myself the following questions:
- How many people do you want your book to reach?
- What is the ideal reader, audience will you attract as an Self Published Author?
- What price range of clients do you foresee attracting after you've become a Self Published Author?
- What impact will this make on you and your family, your children, as a Self Published Author?
- Will you be a step closer to quitting your day job?
- Most importantly, what steps are you taking to making this happen?
Now, what amazing accomplishments, lives that you could touch, what greater impact can you make once you have published your book?
Most importantly, how much financial earnings can you create with a book of your own?
Instead of learning all of this on your own, you can take my proven steps and start the process now & get your book published in 30 days!
What Happens After You've Published Your Book?
1. A Book diversifies your streams of income, your product lists expands, having books, other products connected to the book, like Worksheets, Courses, Printables, Guides, Planners that go hand and hand with the book.
2. A Book creates Authority in your Niche, gaining you respect, from fellow Bloggers, Authors, Creatives and Entrepreneurs.
3. A Book creates for an outline of possible future courses, products and services that solves your clients problem.
4. A Book creates an image of "being an Intellectual", you open up the opportunity to be considered as a Researcher and Thought Leader in your industry.
5. A Book can be used as a business card, attracting high ticket price clients your way, showcases your knowledge in your niche, sets you apart from other Bloggers and Content Creators.
6. A Book can be used as a Marketing & Exposure of your brand, furthering awareness and attracting large brands to work with you.
How exciting is that?? What kind of possible income can you generate by becoming an Author and having your own published book?
The possibilities truly open up for you!
"I turned my Blog into a Book in 30 Days, now I have attracted my first $2000 client. It is true, having a book of your own truly creates authority in your niche and the best marketing tool that set me apart from the rest!"
-Amy Ramos of Self Improve Daily
"The challenge with creating and publishing my own book is finding all the information in one place, I work and have a family, I dont have time to do all the research, but with this course, it goes over everything from A to Z. Everything you need is in one place, that's how I was able to get my book published in 30 days and get my first paying client!
- Janelle Johnson of Frugale Momma Life
10 Step Process of Turning Your Blog into a High Profit Book in 30 days works and you will be amazed with the clients you attract by having your own self published book!
- Attract High Paying Clients
- Create Your Own Courses with Your Book
- Increase Profit Sales with Diversified Streams of Income
If you start now, in 30 days, you will have a self published book in hand and you can start earning more money than ever! Dont wait another day, a week, a month later!
Put my proven steps in place NOW to get your income generating for you!
Your Instructor
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are looking to take your Blogging Career to the next level, attract high paying clients, command authority in your niche and increase your income, publish your first book in 30 days using my 10 Proven Steps that can help you quit your job faster, get you in front of high paying clients and get you more money in your pocket!
If you start now, by using my 10 Proven Steps, in 30 days, you will have your official self published book!